


       旋桨式搅拌器由2~3片推进式螺旋桨叶构成,工作转速较高,叶片外缘的圆周速度一般为5~15m/s。旋桨式搅拌器主要造成轴向液流,产生较大的循环量,适用于搅拌低粘度 (<2Pa·s)液体、乳浊液及固体微粒含量低于10%的悬浮液。搅拌器的转轴也可水平或斜向插入槽内,此时液流的循环回路不对称,可增加湍动,防止液面凹陷。


Propeller type stirrer is composed of 2 ~ 3 pieces of push type propeller blade, high working speed, the circumferential velocity at the outer edge of the blade is generally 5 ~ 15m/s. Propeller type stirrer is mainly caused by the axial flow, production cycle is very large, suitable for mixing low viscosity (2Pa · s),emulsion liquid and solid particle content lower than 10% suspension.The agitator shaft also can be horizontally or obliquely inserted into the grooves,loop asymmetry at liquid flow, can increase the turbulence,prevent the liquid surface depression.

